Monday, March 22, 2010

Journalism as a Public Forum

Are journalist really doing their job in presenting the facts to the public and not just reporting for their self interest in obtaining fame in the public forum? I think that journalist should use the media in their best interest when reporting, remembering the audience first before their own opinions that they have in their stories.

Today we have the advantage to use the highest form of technology that is changing the history of journalism as we know it. The introduction of the Internet has made news became instant, and before the Internet, breaking news might take a while before its out to the public, but not with instant broadband and camera phones it can be live streaming right as a breaking news event is happening. One can even write a story and post it on the web in seconds, so breaking news coverage has really become instant.

I am currently interning at ABC 4 News in Salt Lake City, and it's crucial in news to have the story first, and already posted on the web before the rest of the competition. It also makes the news station you work for look great because of having the news first.

Even blogs are becoming another form of journalism, but to many reporters think this is not the best way of communicating to the audience, because it is more opinionated based rather than the facts giving in reporting from journalist. It is true that blogs may hinder the facts in the aspect of the truth because one must realize that a blog is more of a personal outlet for viewers to reconcile your opinions on a matter. It just seems that everyone is considering themselves as journalist who have blogs but it's not the case when they don't have the ethics and background knowledge as a trained professional journalist who can share a story with truthfulness and accuracy with sustaining data.

I agree with the book when it mentions The editorial pages of the newspaper, the opinion columnist, the talk show, and the point-of-view magazine essay, bloggers, and anyone else have every right to be opinionated. That is their mission. But if their authors want to call themselves journalists, then it follows that they should not misrepresent the facts that they should hold to the same standards of truthfulness or allegiance to public interest as any other part of the profession. Elements of Journalism, p. 167

These forms of media have the right to be opinionated, but for journalist our job is report the facts with data not expressing a bias opinion, we just give the facts. If they want to be considered journalist then they really need to reevaluate they way they report, because a lot of those types of forms of media are just to capture audiences attentions, and to obtain ratings to increase profit. One may say he or she does not go into journalism hoping to be rich but rather to make a difference in the world by reporting the truth.

It may all come down to having a voice in society that whatever story we may produce it will help the people in a way feel they to have a voice that can decide what is ethical in a sense of making self governing decisions.

Videos of forms of media portrayed as journalism:

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