The objective of verification in journalism is to always check your facts, sources, and statements in each article. The best way to go about checking your facts is to have reliable information. If the reader can go back to the source or place where you received the information and it is the same every time that is a reliable information.
It is always best to think of what the audience needs to know, so they can evaluate the information for themselves and make self governing decision based on your article.
I really liked the example in the group presentation when they stated, that journalism is like science. If you have a fact, can someone else go and get the same fact or method as you reported in the story?
Sometimes you may come across some information, that as a journalist has to decide if it is relevant or may cause harm to someone. For example, If their was a rape victim who had went to court to prosecute their attacker and didn't want their name getting out in the public for confidentiality reasons, and their family doesn't want their information released as well. Then the journalist must decide to publish private information that the source doesn't want in the media, or to keep the wishes of the source? I think in this case, if her name was already released in a news press then it would be okay to state in your story, but if the person and their family asks not to be publicized, then it is best to grant their wishes.
The best way to report news is to site each and every source or information that the norm wouldn't know. Their will always be someone who reads your article who claims that the information is inaccurate or false, but having sited sources and information claiming where you got your information can override their claims. It is best to avoid having anonymous sources, well first it is less credible. A journalist should always identify each source. The audience does not trust many anonymous sources, especially when stating information that is against someone or something, because anyone could state their opinion, but if the person is sited then the audience will think they reporter is not just putting in information that will attract more audiences.
The way to obtain credibility, is to go right to the source when gaining information and to site word for word. The readers will trust the journalist when they have sited sources. Journalist must apply transparent and systematic method to journalism, the more you reveal the more credible the journalist is to the audience.
Having omniscience in what the journalist reports in their article is preferred when they are honest in where they received their facts and information, and not to write an article based on acquired knowledge that is not backed up by reliable sources.
Yes, we will come across some media that may be false, but the duty for a journalist is to report the truth. The audience will not trust the journalist who reports false information, so it is always best to double check each source and fact before publicizing.
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