Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Profession

In the profession of journalism, it is best to get the story right than getting it first, and that is how it should be when it comes to reporting.

The journalist may be the first to have the story, but what if he or she doesn't have all the facts or data that can make the story ten time better. Of course their are always deadlines, but if the reporter can find all the information to have a in depth story that the audience would be appealed to, that is what makes a great news article. We must think ethical as well, the news is for the people not for making yourself as a journalist, look good. And don't publish false statements, the outcome is never good.

It seems the trend for a lot of high profile journalist are going to advocacy when reporting which is not always the best route to go on when reporting. If the journalist wants to help then turn off the cameras and notepads. Our job is to report the facts and information to the people; we are the medium from the story to the people and if we show heartache and sorry for a tragedy it can lead to a story that is not clearly based off of fact. For example reporter Anderson Cooper he travels across the world to war zones, to natural disasters and a lot of time when he reports a story to the people he tends to show to much emotion. Which I understand because he is experiencing these disasters, but the reporter job is to report the story and not get involved emotionally.

The group presentation brought up some good ideas of the 4th Estate of Check and Balance and Keeping your distant by making good decisions based on logic, not on emotion, which is great because we should constantly check ourselves as not being to involved emotionally in our stories. Again, to always think of the people, because our stories we report will have impact to our readers in some way. If we feel that we can't handle a story that it will be to emotional, then the journalist should ask their editor that they feel they will be to involved emotionally. It is best to stand back from the environment when reporting and just be the reporter.

Most believe, that a journalist should be well diverse in knowledge of other cultures and traditions, because when reporting in another country of total opposite traditions, and customs, the journalist may skew the story from a lack of knowledge of the different culture. When reporting it is best to be well educated in the subject or area, so research, study and travel; go among the people and become aware of their everyday lives. Being prepared and knowledgeable of the subject, is key to a successful story.

When it comes to granting confidentiality of a sources identity it has some pros and cons with doing so. Some pros of keeping a sources identity, may consist of relying on the source in later stories and obtaining more accurate information from the source, due from not being scared to reveal their statements. For the cons, it could be a decrease credibility of a story, and you are responsible for the source if information is leaked out. It is best for journalist not to agree to keep confidentiality only if they can give it.

Learning the principles and steps of journalism is vital in producing great news for the audience.

Emotion in Reporting:

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